Earn money with Vidnami

Point and click video maker

The importance of using video in online marketing cannot be understated. Whether you are using a business platform like LinkedIn, your website or other social media platforms like Snapchat, Twitch, TikTok, or YouTube, video is not only a great way to connect with your customers but on most platforms is a crucial driver used by the algorithms that can make or break how successful your content is at growing your following.

How can you take advantage of the power of video if you are not an expert in creating and editing video? That’s where Vidnami comes in. Vidnami is a powerful video creator that lets you create breathtaking professional videos without having to be a professional videographer or editor or really without having any video experience or skills. Vidnami was designed to be used by those wanting to use the power of video to make promotional videos for small businesses, videos for YouTube and Twitch, sales and marketing videos, training videos, or even fun videos for family and friends. You can also use Vidnami to create and edit videos if you are a freelancer offering your services on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. We at Cyberdjinn have spent countless hours working with this very easy to use, professional video creation tool and are so confident that we are offering you a FREE 14-day trial.

Ways to use video you create with Vidnami

There are many kinds of videos, but to create an effective content marketing strategy, you need to understand the purpose of the video you are making. Clearly defining the type of video you are going to create, and the channel you are going to use is critical for success.

Here are some of the most common types of videos you can easily create using Vidnami.

Educational & Training Videos
Educational and training videos help educate people about your product or service and can be used across all types of industries. They can be used in conjunction with other educational and training materials to create a positive interactive customer experience. Vidnami is designed to help you easily create engaging educational and training videos without hiring someone to create the videos for you.

Product reviews
Using video for product reviews can be very powerful. Posting the text from a customer review is great, but what if you could make that review come to life? Using Vidnami you can take that simple text and create a powerful, engaging product review video based on actual customer reviews. Using video generally increases engagement and, when used to communicate positive reviews, can help drive sales.

Sales & Marketing
When it comes to selling, there is nothing more powerful than using video to make the sale. The problem is many people feel like they don’t have the technical skills to create their own videos. This means they are losing out on using video as a powerful sales tool and are likely mission out on sales as a result. That is precisely why we created Vidnami. It is designed to allow those with little to no video editing experience to create their own sales and marketing videos.

Demo videos
Using video is a simple, easy and effective way to provide potential customers with engaging product demos. When it comes to your product or service, you are the expert. When it comes to creating videos, we at Vidnami are the experts. Using our simple solution allows you to create demos that will turn your prospects into clients without having to become a video production expert.

For a short time, we are offering a FREE 14 day trial of Vidmani. We know once you unleash the power of video for your business, you will wonder how you lived without it!

Digital marketing and video

If you or your business is using digital marketing or heading in that direction, you’ll need to learn how to create basic videos and optimize them. Instagram Stories and Snapchat are both great examples of platforms you can use to promote your products or services or connect with prospects and customers by using short personal videos showing what you or your company is up to. Another reason video is critical to use on websites is they keep people on your site for more extended periods of time. This is especially true for the many in today’s world who prefer to get their information in video format. Studies have shown that people watching a video stay on websites for up to two minutes longer if there’s a video.

Vidnami is designed to make incorporating video into your digital marketing plan simple, easy and affordable. You can sign up today for the Vidnami FREE 14 day trial and see just how powerful using video as a critical part of your digital marketing strategy can be.

Vidnami Features

Your FREE 14-day trial includes all available Vidnami features, including:

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